Frequently Asked Questions
What is the bond measure?
The parks bond is a financial measure that will authorize $25 million in capital costs related to trails, natural areas, sports fields, parks, and river access; and is expected to include a new east-west trail corridor and public access point on the Tualatin River, new and improved sports fields, and parks improvements citywide. Voters in Tualatin will vote on the measure in November 2022.
How did it get on the ballot?
Citizens and city leaders have been working for several years to bring a parks bond to the voters because of the great need for capital investment in our parks. In 2022, focus groups and outreach indicated support among the community for a parks bond on the ballot. A group of citizen stakeholders was convened in late Spring of 2022 to carefully consider, if a bond measure was to be put forth to voters, what investments were highest priority and what funding level would be the most appropriate and responsible use of taxpayer funds. This group represented members of the general public, the business community, representatives from all youth sports organizations, members of various city advisory committees, and representatives of local environmental groups such as Tualatin Riverkeepers. The citizens group brought their proposed bond package to the City Council which, after deliberation, passed a resolution on August 8, 2022 for the bond to appear on the November 2022 ballot.
What will it cost?
If approved by voters in the November general election, the property tax rate is estimated to increase by 29 cents per $1,000 of taxable value. Actual rates for property owners may differ based upon interest rates incurred and changes in assessed value. Using these figures, for property with an assessed value of $300k, the bond will cost just over $7 per month or approximately $88 per year. If we all pay a little for these important shared resources, our impact will be huge!
Why is improved river access important?
For many years, Tualatin has missed out on the opportunity to showcase our vibrant waterway and allow full access to its benefits. The new river access that will be made a reality by the bond will become a destination and help Tualatin in many ways including by:
Increasing tourism and bringing in business for our local economy
Creating easier access for all people including those with disabilities or limited mobility
Providing access (which does not currently exist) to a variety of recreational activities beyond boating
Providing space for educational programming that teaches about our river
Updating infrastructure around the access so that harmful runoff stays out of our river
What benefit will trail improvements bring to our city?
New trails would create connections to reduce traffic, improve pedestrian safety, and promote healthy transportation options like biking, scootering, and skating. Expanding trail connections would make parks, schools, and transit stops accessible to more community members. Expanded trails were cited by citizens during outreach as their highest priority for new capital investments. The bond is estimated to invest $4.5 million in new trail connections.
The signature trail project identified for bond funding will connect the east and west sides of Tualatin along our major commercial corridor (alongside Freddies) creating increased access to the city center for many residents.
Why do we need to invest in athletic fields?
Tualatin does not currently have enough sports fields to meet current demand. While we know that access to youth sports provide places for youth health and wellness in addition to economic benefits, many of the fields in our city are unplayable because they are unsafe or cannot be used year-round because of drainage problems or lack of adequate lighting. In Tualatin, youth sports is an important resource for our youth and families, and the benefits are not limited to participants.
How many new athletic fields will the bond fund?
The bond is estimated to fund $7 million in improvements to athletic fields, primarily through an innovative partnership with the Tigard-Tualatin school District. The partnership will increase the impact of every dollar spent and give access to school district fields that were previously unavailable to our youth sports programs. While the number of new fields available and details regarding improvements are yet to be determined, these projects will involve many opportunities for public involvement. All of the youth sports organizations in our City support this measure because capacity will increase significantly. Money raised from the bond by Tualatin voters will only fund field improvements inside the city of Tualatin.
What else will the bond fund?
In addition to creation of a river destination access point, new trails, and increased athletic fields, the bond will fund needed upgrades to parks and help complete vital projects such as Stoneridge Park and the Veteren’s Plaza, a long awaited place to honor veterans and gather for community-building events.
What other funding is available for parks? Can’t we use those funds?
Currently, general budget monies fund parks programming and operations that we all enjoy. General fund monies can also fund projects but typically only small-scale ones. General fund monies are re-allocated through the budget process each year and are never guaranteed for specific programs or projects. In addition, a utility fee helps fund park maintenance and something called System Development Fees (SDS) that are paid by developers building in our City help offset the additional costs to infrastructure that the new growth. However, all of these funding mechanisms can be unpredictable and have proven to be too scarce for large-scale capital investment that can be funded by the bond – projects that our City desperately needs.
How can I help?
We would love to have your support! There are a variety of ways to help.
Cast your ‘Yes for parks’ vote this November
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